
Using Sienna X premium wax to deliver, hair free, smooth, flawless results every time. Waxing is a technique used to remove un-wanted hair from the root. Results are semi-permanent however, last much longer than shaving. We offer two different methods of waxing. Strip wax - is the most common waxing technique where a cream or gel wax is applied to the skin and removed with a paper strip. This technique is quick and ideal for larger areas. The other is hot wax - hot wax is an advanced technique where, once cooled the wax is removed, without a strip. As the wax cools it shrink wraps around the hair to form a tight grip for removal. This form of waxing is recommended for more sensitive areas or sensitive skins, as a layer of oil is applied to the skin prior to form a film like barrier to the skin. This method is ideally suited to intimate areas of the body, where the hairs are more coarse.

Timings between treatments can vary from person to person and the area being treated. Your therapist will advise you during your appointment.

Area Strip Wax Hot Wax
Full Leg £35.00 -
Half Leg £30.00 -
Bikini Standard £20.00 £25.00
Bikini G-String £30.00 £35.00
Bikini Brazilian/Hollywood - £50.00
Underarm £20.00 £25.00
Full Arm £30.00 -
Half Arm £20.00 -
Back or Chest £35.00 -
Lip or Chin £9.00 £15.00
Lip and Chin £15.00 £20.00
Sides of Face £16.00 £20.00
Ear or Nostril - £22.00


Is an ancient method of hair removal, which only removes hair, not skin. Because it is so exact it can remove short fine hairs. Gives great precision and is gentler on the skin than most other hair removals.

from £10.00